Saturday 7 January 2012

Our Product!

Claiming any rebate from your local council can be a lengthy, complicated and costly affair, however, we are: proficiently equipped and resourced, experience and able-bodied, in overcoming these obstacles’. We shall endeavour to pursue your rebate claim with: vigour, speed and total transparency, keeping you up to date every step of the way.

Our Goals!

Rebates UK is truly different, and manages its business accordingly.
Our business model is based upon effective team work; and highly efficient processes, underpinned by a framework of shared behaviours. We are a UK based business service and claims company, with a core competency in Customer Service.

What We Do!

We liaise with the Governments Valuations Office Agency, VOA on behalf of all homeowners: with the intention of obtaining a refund, for over paid council tax, due to the facts that many homeowners are in the wrong council tax band since the scheme initially started in 1991.

Who We Are!

We are an independent Council tax Review and Claim Service, which specialise in property re-banding within the UK. We can confirm if you are due a council tax rebate from your local council; which can be back-dated to the time you started living at the property. This also applies to tenants who have rented the property.