Pickles ... the powers he is conferring on ministers makes them into
latterday Henry VIIIs. Here is a great example of what pollsters call the
public's "cognitive polyphasia". In plain language it means we want
impossibly contradictory things. As the localism bill returns to the
Commons for report stage today, the government should be warned that while
people love the Ambridge sound of localism, they deplore the postcode lottery
it brings.
Brave would be the politician these days who refused to pay lip
service to the localist idea: who could be against local people taking making
local choices, until you ask what and how? Labour in power was utterly
conflicted, pouring out initiatives for community action while raining down
centralised diktats.
Now here comes Eric Pickles, not
conflicted but deceiving. Tory devolution hands down responsibility for failing
to finance local services, devolving the blame for cuts. His bill squares the
problem: if the money doesn't cover all that councils are obliged to do, this
bill gives him the power to revoke any inconvenient duty on councils.
Parliament has painstakingly passed laws obliging councils to do things we
regard as essential to civilisation, but this gives ministers Henry VIII powers
to strike any of them out at a stroke.
There may be daft regulations on the statute book, but this
includes everything from the duty to protect children at risk to providing
libraries, free parking for the disabled or enforcing food safety laws – all
lumped together as "burdens" that ministers could scrap without
further debate. From protecting ancient monuments, wildlife and hedgerows to
the mental health act, child poverty act, homelessness act, adoption and
children act, the chronically sick and disabled act – hundreds of laws will
become open to summary removal.
Labour has no chance of winning its Commons amendment to stop
this legislative vandalism, but the Lords may yet rebel. If you find it hard to
believe how much of the fabric of social protection could be snuffed out at the
whim of ministers, pause to scrutinise the official list of "burdens",
listed on the Communities and Local Government website.
This act is a powerful mechanism for shrinking government, amid
Pickles' ritual abuse of "bureaucrats" and "town hall
busybodies". Let local people decide! Let them vote for councils that
provide whatever services they want. That sounds fine in rhetoric but
reeks in reality. Recent local elections show that council elections are mainly
a barometer of national, not local, politics. If people rarely vote on local
issues, they certainly don't get much involved: Ipsos Mori finds one in five
people claim they might get involved – but only 2% do, no change, despite years
of Labour's community efforts by Hazel Blears and others.
Of course participation could and should be better, but people
know well that most funds – and most cuts – come from Westminster, where blame
usually lies for shortfalls in local services. Pickles stopped reform of Council Tax and George Osborne capped it, while the Lib Dems gave up on
local income tax. In polls people say they want
services to be fair. Equality always trumps local
autonomy. Mori's Ben Page says "Fairness is a strong British value.
They say state provision should be the same everywhere – and the
buck always stops at the top with ministers." How extreme is their wish
for equal services? Mori found 91% thought the grass in public parks should be
cut with equal regularity everywhere. This country thinks nationally when it
comes to rights to services.
Unpicking all those laws that protect the weak and ensure
citizens can trust the food they eat, the water they drink and the air they
breathe goes against the grain in a country where these are part of the natural
history of social progress. Francis Maude says centralism never did away with
local variation, but just see how extreme his postcode lottery
Remember all this happens while the government massively
redistributes council funds from poorer to richer areas. The cuts hit the
poorest councils hardest – Liverpool worst – and the richest like Dorset are
barely touched. Pickles' plan to let councils keep their business rates will make the
rich very much richer at the expense of poor areas.
Currently business rates are centrally collected and handed out
according to need. Once keeping their own business taxes, the City of London
gains £517m, Westminster and Chelsea gain £1.6m each while the great losers are
Birmingham, cut by £175m, Hackney by £116m and Liverpool by another £104m. When
the government lets councils decide how much – if any – Council
Tax credit to pay poorer
households, what will rich areas do? Without geographical sharing we stop being
a nation in any meaningful sense. But that is the logic of localism: the little
platoons all thriving or struggling on their own.
There is more danger in this bill: Sir Robin Wales, the mayor of
Newham, also worries the bill will be a charter for the planning corruption it
took so long to stamp out. Developers can get up a small local group to front
their plan, with unseen backhanders. Meanwhile the bill lets nimbys stop plans
for necessary social housing or unpopular services on their doorsteps.
There is more: any small group can call for public services to
be put out to tender. Naturally, this is dressed up in "big society"
disguise, promising local people can run their community centre or take over
their library and leisure centre. The reality is that the door to everything is
being opened to "any willing provider", as David Cameron revealed
in a recent speech.
Yesterday the head of Capita, the outsourcing company, told the
Financial Times he had been assured by Francis Maude that the "big
society" would not get in the way of large firms taking the lion's share
of contracts. Eyeing one giant £2.6bn contract, he came away saying:
"There is absolutely no way on the planet that is going to be let to a
charity or a small- or medium-sized enterprise ... the voluntary sector will
not be a massive player as they simply don't have the scale and can't bear the
" Exactly that happened with the Department for Work and
Pensions DWP welfare to work contracts: 38 of the 40 contracts went to a
handful of big firms with success records worse than the jobcentres. So
much is being torn up in a whirlwind, with uprooted services outsourced or gone
forever. This government is making sure it leaves behind ineradicable change.
As Margaret Thatcher disposed of utilities, David Cameron is disposing of the