First Published by: local government
Overwhelmingly residents in Wales are facing an increase in Council Tax this month.
In England there is a freeze or a reduction. In some places in
Wales the increase is over 3.5%. In England that level of increase would
require approval in a referendum. No English council has decided to chance it.
But in Wales there is no need to
get such approval from residents. The Labour-run Welsh Assembly Government
oppose it. Plaid Cymru's Assembly member Llyr Huws Gruffydd agrees it
would be "inappropriate."
In England every council apart
from Nottingham has introduced spending transparency. In Wales only the
Conservative-run councils Monmouthshire, Newport and Glamorgan have done so. Of course we can still get hold
of a few figures via Freedom of Information requests. The Conservative's Shadow
Local Government Minister in the Welsh Assembly Janet Finch-Saunders says:
In 2010-11, local authorities in
Wales spent over £630,000 on official cars and chauffeurs. Rhondda Cynon
Taf and Blaenau Gwent each spent £90,000, while Bridgend spent £75,000 and
Neath Port Talbot £70,000. I wonder whether the Minister was aware of
those figures until I mentioned them.
Local authorities spent an average
of £1.5 million on printing and paper costs, but Swansea spent £0.5
million. Given that this is public money, this kind of information should
be made available through online publishing, to enable processes to be examined
and efficiencies to be identified.
Labour Assembly member Jenny
Rathbone opposes this, saying residents mustn't be "bombarded" with
information. So it is better to keep spending secret. On Carmarthenshire
Council, run by Independents and Labour, a blogger was arrested for filming a council meeting using
her mobile phone, and led away in handcuffs.
Council tenants in England can
exercise their right to buy taking advantage of up to £75,000 in discounts - in
Wales the discounts are capped at just £16,000. In Wales there is no chance for
schools to become independent of council control by converting to be academies.
There is no opportunity to set up free schools. Michael Gove's reforms to
reduce red tape and make it easier to sack bad teachers and exclude disruptive
pupils do not apply.
But the rigour of competition is
needed more in Wales than anywhere else in the UK. In the Pisa tests we
find that Wales is behind England, Scotland and Northern Ireland in terms of
science, reading and maths. It is below the OECD average in all three. It has
fallen behind in the international league table in all three. The Welsh schools inspectors
Estyn finds that 40% of Welsh children arriving at secondary
school arrive at least six months behind in reading. But while failing schools
in England are being taken over in Wales there is just talk about the
possibility of closing them.
The Education Minister Leighton
Andrews says he will close a school where the situation is
"irredeemable." But how many of the 5% of Welsh schools officially
failing have been closed? None. Where is the procedure for them to be
taken over by an academy chain? What is the trigger for them to be closed or
taken over? The truth is that under Labour schools in Wales are able to carry
on failing. Bad teachers will keep their jobs.
In Wales the Conservatives are
fighting against the establishment. They are the force of protest against the
complacent vested interests. In considering how Wales has fallen behind in
terms of transparency, accountability, the opportunity for home ownership, and
parental choice those of us in England can see what a difference the change of
Government has meant over the past two years.