Friday 18 May 2012


First Published by The Evening Telegraph

Peterborough City Council in the red for more that £4 million pounds

Figures released by Peterborough City Council show tax-avoiders still owe more than £4 million in unpaid business rates and Council Tax from the 2011/12 financial year, which ended in April. But council bosses have vowed not to give up and to continue to claw back every penny. A council spokesman said: “In the last month alone we have collected £300,000 in Council Tax and more than £1 million in business rates. “We do not stop here. 

We will carry on collecting what is owed, even resorting to court action if we have to. “But clearly we urge people to contact us if they are struggling to pay their bills.” At the beginning of March, the figure was up at £9 million for uncollected business rates and Council Tax in 2011/12. By the end of the month it had dropped to a total of £5.9 million and since then it has fallen another £1.3 million. Everyone is sent an initial Council Tax and business rate bill at the start of the financial year, followed by a reminder for those who do not keep up with payments.

A final notice is sent to anyone who has not paid for at least 14 days, before a summons is issued warning that unless payment is made within two weeks a liability order will be made. Each month hundreds of people are taken to court for falling behind with payments. In one day in March alone, 467 people were summoned to court many of whom paid up before any further action was taken.

Finance chiefs at the town hall insist the figures are no more or less than previous years and are not concerned. Their actions have also drawn praise from MP for Peterborough Stewart Jackson. He said: “Credit where it is due, I think the city council was mindful of the fact that people were seeing a Council Tax rise and has upped its collection rates accordingly. They were obviously concerned that other people were not paying their bills.

“I think the council is going in the right direction. It is a good sign and I hope they keep up the pressure.” But Robert Oxley, from the TaxPayers’ Alliance, was critical of the council particularly after it raised Council Tax for this financial year. He said: “With budgets tight, local authorities can’t afford to leave millions of pounds in tax uncollected. The council has to be clear about why there’s such a difference between what’s owed and what’s been paid. Council chiefs’ decision to increase Council Tax at a time when many residents are already struggling with rising bills will only make this problem worse.”

THE total Council Tax bill to be collected by Peterborough City Council for 2011/12 was £63,108,000. Of that figure, by April 30, it had collected £60,716,000 or 96.21 per cent of the total. The figure is marginally better than this time last year when 96.11 per cent was collected. Meanwhile, business rates due in the city for 2011/12 was £89,444,000. So far, £87,810,000 has been collected, or 97.59 per cent. Again this is an increase on the same period last year when 96.44 per cent was collected. But businesses pay national non-domestic rates which is set by central Government.

The city council collects it on behalf of Government which then divvies it up in the form of grants to local authorities. There are several ways to pay Council Tax including

Are you paying too much Council Tax - check here? 

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