Sunday, 14 April 2013


First Published by: The Guardian 


People who know me have no doubt that I am the one to cut Council Tax here by 50%. It is not a simple task, but a necessary one to get the whole country talking up Salford. If we do it first, all others will want our secret of success. Certainly my new approach is different to that of all other candidates standing at this mayoral election. I appeal to them to join with me in us saying No to outdated political ways that long-standing councillors have forced on to our city. 

As Salford mayor I will use my considerable experience to refocus policy. I will put all directors to the test by having them draw up my list of essential services. If directors do not have the skills for the job they will have to go and be replaced by a mayoral protective policy on essential service spending. The pet projects that councillors like to dabble in during times of plenty will be put through my 'what and why?' microscopic test.

In times of hardship essentials have been neglected because of such pet projects. The worst example is the increase in one Salford regeneration project. Its estimate has gone up from £115million to £730million. A green light increases debt by £615million. As a Salford resident, I say that we never voted for a debt. In fact no council struggling to carry out its essential services should get caught up in any credit repayments trap, such as the Private Finance Initiative, that could mean a 35 year debt becoming a £82million a year bill. And guess who pays?

People on our streets agree that political groups are unlikely to welcome any inquiry into such things. This is where my unique plan for a SalfordGate inquiry steps in. The inquiry would be beyond the veto or influence of a majority political party, provided that there are grounds for the elected Mayor to call in such a scrutiny process. An increase of £615million in one project is sufficient grounds and I believe that Salford Council Tax payers have the right to know what is going on.

Not long ago there was turmoil in children services and more recently we saw day care centres facing the Labour group axe. Last month the number of empty properties in Salford was a record 12,000 while 14,000 are waiting for a home. Promises from our Council of new jobs are proving scarce in fancy new developments. They even continue to listen to supermarket builders whose plans would affect a Salford burial ground. How out of touch have council leaders become, or is it a case of complacency because of long-unchallenged political control.

My plan will cut out any waste to make Salford one of the lowest Council Tax places to live in England, at a time when Salford council would gift away our money to the better-able-to-pay firms and organisations such as the BBC. My professional record as health management trainer is my credential to assure you that I will protect essential services to young people, elderly and vulnerable citizens living in Salford. This election is unique, brought about by local people demanding real change. If we are going to do Salford justice we must have the SalfordGate inquiry, shelve the nice-to-do but extravagant projects to another day and get Council Tax down now, along with a council house rent freeze. 2012 is not the time for spend, spend, spend party policies.

Salford mayoral candidate Michael Felse - standing for the English Democrats, If elected I promise to serve as a full-time mayor, making an impressive difference and putting in place an over-arching level of integrity that will be beyond any doubt the best. Michael Felse is the English Democrat candidate for elected mayor of Salford. A former Labour constituency secretary and agent, he was one of the first to blow the whistle on the Doncaster corruption scandal and played a prominent part in January's successful referendum in Salford on having an elected mayor.

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I support Council Tax Rebates in assisting home owners and tenants in getting a rebate on their over-paid Council Tax.